19 September, 2022 by administrator
A non-profit organisation from a town in the outskirts of Goa wanted a website to showcase their past and upcoming events. The needs of the website were very basic. They only needed a few pages about the organisation, team and the upcoming and past events. One of the unique requirements was that they needed a mechanism to allow people to register for the events, and collect payment/ donations while keeping the cost of the website as low as possible. Most quotes they received for a payment-gateway enabled website were quite high. The other option was to create events on third-party websites allowing registration and accepting payments there, but these websites charged 4 - 5% fee + Rs. 10 + tax per payment. The cost incurred for hosting 4-5 events would be close to 20k per annum.
RALLP offered to build the complete website for aminimal fee with a small annual renewal fee. Since the organisation only needed to accept a few types of payments, and there was no actual sale of goods, RALLP suggested utilising payment pages. Here the integration of the website would directly be with the payment gateway, and the transaction cost would come down to just 2%.
The direct integration with the payment gateway is a complex process and is even more complex if it involves registration as a non-profit organisation. The complete registration process was expected to take 4-6 weeks of time, and this would lead to a short time for registrations before the planned event. The overall response of the public to the events was also expected to be lower due to the pandemic (Events were planned in 2021). Based on the calculations by RALLP, by integrating with payment pages instead of third-party event management the organisation would barely save Rs. 5000.
The base website was developed and integrated with townscript, a third-party event management portal. However, the website has the capacity to integrate with payment gateway pages. The organisation has since started the process of verification with the payment gateway (RazorPay) as a non-profit organisation and will migrate the registrations there once ready, at no additional cost from RALLP side.