30 August, 2022 by Siddhi Mahambre
This construction company has work going on at multiple construction sites. The resources of the company include: RMC trucks, trucks-tempos for moving inventory and building materials such as cement, bricks, steel, aggregate and timber. The main challenge for the owner was to understand stock levels at each site, their usage and availability of vehicles and their locations, in order to use them efficiently.
Another most important resource of the company is manpower. The company manager found it difficult to manage daily wage workers, place them at construction sites depending on past experience, as sometimes their payment needed to be done in advance in case there was a festival or an occasion coming up. The work was all planned but manual records were maintained, which made it difficult to retrieve information and plan ahead.
RALLP proposed a custom built management system for the multiple issues faced by the management of the construction company.
The system included modules such as asset management, human resource management and a mini-inventory management (to manage internal movement of material) and a workflow management system for quick approvals.
The results of implementation were visible within a week of its use.
-Asset utilisation improved greatly. The delays in work due to unavailability of resources reduced to almost nil.
- The independent site supervisors could now just input their requirements into the system and the system would plan the resources. If a particular resource is not available, the system would generate an alert allowing the less critical task to be rescheduled allowing the best construction timeline for all projects.
- A bird's eye view of all construction sites simultaneously for the owner, which not only gave insights but also saved valuable time for the supervisors.
- Better utilization of manpower, as task allocation was done keeping in mind past performance and experience.
- Remuneration process was streamlined while keeping a proper record of payments done.